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    esports 結果共7筆

  • Taiwan’s UMA wins big at Capcom Cup X championship

    Taipei’s UMA (Kagami) emerges victorious at the Capcom Cup X "Street Fighter 6" championship, defeating Hong Kong’s Chris Wong in the grand final to claim a US$1 million prize. Kagami’s dominant performance showcases Taiwan’s prowess in esports, highlighting the country’s ability to produce world-class gamers.
    2024/02/26 17:56
  • Survey reveals changing views on mobile device flagship chip

    According to a recent poll conducted by GSMArena, nearly 70% of online users believe that flagship chips, which were once a crucial factor in their choice of smartphone, are no longer vital. In the past, users prioritized new-generation flagship chips to ensure smooth performance and longevity. However, the survey found that only 21.3% still consider this necessary. Only 10.1% of respondents deemed flagship chips in Esports phones critically essential for superior performance. The shift in users’ attitudes is apparent, with 42.5% acknowledging the performance of flagship chips but feeling that their predecessor versions were still satisfactory. Additionally, 23.5% of netizens believed that mid-range mobile phones were sufficient for their needs. Users cited positive experiences with older chips, like the four-year-old Helio P70, which they argued delivered adequate performance. Some netizens also emphasized the importance of a stable product providing good value for money over having the latest flagship chip. The study gathered views from 5,499 participants.
    2023/11/20 19:32
  • 《英雄聯盟》T1團員爆淚成最佳照片! 網鼻酸:17年的Faker

    2022年「英雄聯盟世界大賽」剛於11月初落幕,最終由DRX 3:2擊敗T1奪冠,當時T1隊員Keria在輸掉比賽後,在現場抱頭痛哭,模樣引起粉絲鼻酸,沒想到,LoL Esports於昨(15)日在臉書上,將其評選為年度最佳照片,除Keria的爆哭外,大哥Faker的回眸凝視也被拍下,此時更有網友拿出2017年Faker輸掉後的爆哭照進行對比,簡直是一模一樣。
    2022/12/16 13:40
  • Vtuber搭元宇宙 新北電競基地推「Esports未來之星」課程

    電子競技是有史以來最複雜的運動項目之一。新北電競基地規劃三大創新結合五項實作的『Esports未來之星』電競課程作為人才培育計畫執行。 有鑒於國際電子競技賽事逐年技術提升,牽動多項產業項目跟進。對電腦製造技術領軍世界的台灣來說。電子競技是向國際展現軟、硬體實力最佳場域。
    2022/02/11 20:12
  • 2020 QAB琉熱國際電競大賽28日登場 廣邀電競好手共戰!

    新北歡樂耶誕城將於11月13日正式開城,每年已經成為北部人在年末會參與的標誌性活動,日本「QAB琉球朝日放送株式会社」去年海外首場《QAB Esports 琉熱國際電競大賽》特別選擇於新北歡樂耶誕城舉辦,現場各方好手雲集,激烈對戰實況現場放送,電競迷嗨翻天,今年將再度登台,於11月28日舉辦《快打旋風V》、《魔法氣泡》及《特戰英豪》三款遊戲決賽,相當令人期待。
    2020/11/06 09:00
  • 講晚安樓上樓下聽得到?豪宅不給住HKA電競隊要告

    香港電子競技有限公司(Hong Kong eSports)旗下的電競戰隊 HKA,去年12月與南港豪宅華固奧之松的房東簽約,原本今年一月一日租約生效,戰隊成員就可入住,沒想到引發住戶反彈,管委會不願讓電競隊入住。日前雙方協商確定破局,HKA發表聲明表示,將採取法律途徑捍衛權益。
    2018/01/31 17:53
  • 【FOCUS新聞】世界極限運動會 「電子競技」納比賽項目

    ▲(圖:達志影像/美聯社) 打電動能當飯吃,真的不誇張,美國芝加哥甚至有大學,祭出一年一萬九美元的獎學金,網羅最優秀的電玩高手,加入校隊,培養未來的職業新星。以團隊進行網路遊戲爭霸戰的電子競技,eSports,日益走向職業運動化,體育頻道ESPN,甚至跟世界電競大聯盟合作,首度把電競納入極限運動的比賽項目,就是看好這個價值860億美元的市場,伴隨的廣告效益
    2015/03/03 22:16
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